Marcus understands the resilience, tenacity, dedication, and commitment it takes to transform personal pain into a powerful transformational tool. He helps clients, all over the world, reconnect with themselves. Helping to increase their energetic vibrations through the art of energy healing, gaining clarity over personal life transitions, diving deeper into self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love.

Abandoned at the age of six Marcus entered the Florida Foster Care System. It took Marcus a couple years to accept his Mother wasn’t coming back. He was alone, and early on decided to age out of the system to give himself the best chance in life.

During that time, Marcus focused on his heart, even though he was scared and dealing with the emotional pain of abandonment. He understood, at a very young age, that this was a system and that children were often treated like a commodity.

Marcus and his sister entered the foster care system at the same time, however, they were placed in different foster care homes. He felt later in life that being chosen for a foster home was really like an athletic draft. “They’ll take you based on your paperwork.” Marcus describes.

I spent a lot of time by myself. I was little growing up in the foster care system. I knew my heart couldn’t be changed. I knew that what I had in my heart was love. With that love, I wasn’t gonna allow the world or anything happen to me to destroy how I loved myself. I never changed the way I looked at the world because of what had happened to me. The only thing I did was make sure that I was going to be the best role model and the best person for my own children when I grew up.Rev. Marcus Brown

Marcus found a support system through friends who came from whole families. Families that had both parents in the home, with siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. He would watch their interactions and wanted to model the positive behaviors he witnessed to his own children that he would have later in his life. Witnessing his friend’s family dynamics gave Marcus hope.

Marcus found inner peace and self expression through athletics, metaphysical studies, and music. He receiving a full-ride football scholarship as a Wide Receiver for the West Liberty University Hilltoppers. He then went on to earn a bachelors degree in Metaphysics from The University of Sedona, AZ. He signed with Bentley Records as a rap artist in 2020.

Today, Marcus fuels his expressive nature through sports, writing, speaking and music.

“As long as you love yourself enough to be able to look at yourself in the face of change, or grind harder or push yourself to become something that you really want out of life. Remember and understand that everything happens for a reason. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. No storm lasts forever. It is only temporary. ” Rev Marcus Brown

Marcus shares his intuitive talents and healing gifts with clients from all over the globe who are undergoing life transitions, spiritual transformations, and wanting answers. He knows all to well the importance of cultivating faith, hope, grace, and love in life. 


“Marcus, who’s a spiritual teacher and tremendous author is a ferocious Buddha.”

Speaker, Author, and Entrepreneur

“I’ve been following my homie on Social Media, Rev Marcus Brown. He’s putting out a lot of great content! Just got his book ‘A Guide’s Lines To Grace. Dive in…like Trey Songz says! Y’all check ’em out!”

Platinum Award Winning Music Producer & Artist



Includes cards pulled and intuitive description of how it ties to you. Recorded intuitive perspective on the situation at hand.

How is an Intuitive Reading done with Metaphysical Marc?

First thing, Marcus gets your permission to read your energy field then he’ll pull a few oracle cards. You’ll receive a recorded interpretation of the intuitive message of the cards NOT spoken of in the card description.

Marcus’ readings are more than the cards themselves. He gives accurate readings without them but he understands how “seeing is believing”. When you get a intuitive reading done with Metaphysical Marc it’s about gaining clarity, not fortune, fame and domestic relationships. His readings are for YOU and where you are and where you’re heading.

Spiritual Advising $275/ 1 HR

Grow deeper in your life journey with 1:1 private Spiritual Advising for those needing assistance with Ascending into greater awarenesses of Self and wanting to develop more through Spiritual applications that helps shift paradigms and heals the energetic bodies.

Learn hands on the tools and practices to help you during life’s transitions and challenges. Included is:

  • One hour call-in Bi-weekly
  • Q&A throughout the week via messenger or email
  • Free 30 min Reiki healing session a month
  • Fast responses from Marc himself when needed

Choose a life coaching package for $1,500 for 3 months or $5,555 for the year. 

ALF ENERGY SESSION $222/30 min or $333/1 Hr

Angelic Light Frequency is a combination of Traditional Reiki and Channeled High Frequency Light Energy that helps Ethereal Bodies Shifting, Higher light codes being brought down to expand the awareness of the individual, Timeline Adjustment/Soul Unifications, as well as the physical healing associated with traditional reiki sessions.

ALF Energy Sessions: $222 for 30 mins $333 for 1 hour. (option for 6 – 30 mins sessions for $1000 and 6 – 1 hour sessions for $1500)


Learn the healing art of Reiki with world-renowned energy healer Rev Marcus Brown.

In this certification course Marcus will teach you Reiki Levels 1 through Mastery. You’ll receive an energy attunement after completing each class level.

Upon completion of Reiki Levels 1- Mastery you’ll receive a certified Reiki certificate.

Choose package certification for $777 or pay per level.


Are you in need of help with your online presence? 

Wanting to boost your reach within and outside the community? Do you simply just need help understanding the marketing aspect of your Spiritual business?

Having grown his social backing from 2k followers on all social media sites to almost 15k collectively in a just a single year, Marcus can show you some of the things that have helped him improve his sales and numbers. 

If you are also interested in Social Media Management and need someone to actually manage your Social sites for you, that can be discussed. (prices are TBD) 

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